To start sending money with a PayPal login account you need to confirm the bank account on it. There are two methods to verify your bank account number on PayPal. If you have created a PayPal account recently and are looking to confirm a bank account on your Pay account then refer to this post.
PayPal is a mobile payment service that facilitates you to send and receive payments from individuals or businesses. To access all these services and features PayPal allows you to register for an account. You can add the payment option to your PayPal account easily. If you have added your bank account on PayPal then you have to confirm it.
Methods to confirm Bank account number on PayPal
There are two methods to confirm your bank account number. We have mentioned both the methods below:
Method 1: Providing online bank account credentials
Using a mobile or computer, visit the PayPal login page
Now, log in to your PayPal account
Then, on the PayPal bank page, enter the username and password for your online bank account
PayPal will match this information with your bank to confirm your bank account number
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Baca Juga : Obat Penggugur Kandungan, Obat Cytotec, Dokter Dini, Situs Dokter, Imajiweb