Whenever you close a Microsoft account, whether since you never again need it or in light of the fact that it's a copy account, Microsoft needs to ensure two things.
To begin with, that it's truly you, not another person attempting to close your record.
Second, that you're not leaving anything significant behind that you will require later.
To safeguard your record from inadvertently being shut, we might request that you demonstrate your personality and goal. For instance, on the off chance that you failed to remember your record data and needed to reset your security information, we make you stand by 60 days prior to shutting your record. How to delete Microsoft Account
To close your Microsoft account, click the things beneath for things to really look from the outset, how to close it, and what to do thereafter
While we know that logging in through Facebook login was a great feature to play together with your Friends, unfortunately, due to technical reasons, Facebook Login will expire soon, and we cannot continue to support the feature.
Don’t worry, you will not lose your Facebook friends if you connect with them through Supercell ID! To do so, please check the steps below:
Open ‘Settings’, then tap the blue-colored ‘connected’ button
In the ‘Friends’ section, tap the ‘Smile’ icon, located in the lower right corner of your screen
There are 3 methods to add friends through Supercell ID:
By sharing your profile link
By scanning QR codes
for more facebook login