Lvl 13- kill strength: Will diminish the strength of OSRS gold whoever is attacking you by 20%, but their defence is raised by 10%. Lvl 19-grave robbing: If killing someone, they lose one thing and that item appears in your inventory or, if you do not have space, it seems on the ground. When killed, you maintain 1 item. Lvl 22- rotting flesh: whoever attacks you becomes diseased for 1 or 2 every 30 minutes. Your defence slowly reduces
lvl 25- Blood rob: whoever strikes you have their health regeneration lowered by half. Your health regeneration is lowered by 1/4. Lvl 25- rot: rots food and turns any rust, rations, etc. . vampire dust. Lvl 27-rigor mortis: anybody who attacks you cannot block and the damage against them is doubled. Your damage is reduced by half.
Lvl 30-cramps: anybody who attacks you has their strength decreased by half and will often be knocked-down. Your wellbeing is diminished by half. Lvl 33- obliviated: anyone who strikes you has their attack lowered by half. Their weapons will often be unequipped mechanically. You cannot block. Lvl 37- Dissonance: you produce three spirits that are lvl 67 who dismiss stats and armor. Their max hit is 25. One additional spirit ignores by half your armor and strikes you.These spirits can't be atacked.
Lvl 40- blasts: when employed, every 15 seconds people 3 squares round you're pushed away 10 squares further, stunned, and their conduct energy is reduced to 0. You're poisoned. Lvl 43- ressurected- if you equip this particular prayer, each time you die you come back to life and you also shed 1/4 fo all your stats temporarely. You eliminate half of cheap RuneScape Mobile gold your prayer.